Archive for April, 2009


When God went on holiday in Bruce Amighty, I’m sure He must have gone to the Dominican Republic. Today I was thinking about the taboo that is quite prevalent in The Netherlands of not talking about your faith. You can say whatever you like to whomever you like, but just never try to convince somebody else about what you believe. I find that even amongst the christians in the church that we’re attending now, people are quite shy or withdrawn when it comes to talking what their faith means to them on a personal basis.

But how different in The Dominican Republic! He’s everywhere, in the language, on billboards, and in conversations. “If the Lord’s willing” in between every line when talking about the future, “May God bless them”, when you walk on the streets with your kids. A hardware store that’s called: “I can do anything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Very encouraging when you are fixing your kitchen, or drilling a hole, I’d say!

We had a nurse who helped us with our twins when they were just born. I once called her to cancel an appointment and got her answering machine. This is what it said: “Jesus is the truth, Jesus is the light, Jesus is the way: Please leave your message in Jesus’ name.” Just not knowing what to say I decided to call her back later…

I know that to some it all may sound quite ridiculous, but I like the openheartedness that comes from it. I felt blessed when people spoke to me in such a way. On one of the hardest days of my life I bought some cookies from a very poor lady in the streets. I simply cried when she smiled at me and said: “Just stay with God, everything will be fine.”

Perhaps I should go back to Santo Domingo and see if I can find God somewhere. Maybe He’s having a chat with somebody on a nice sandy beach, or drinking a (virgin) pina colada on the city square. Because some days, I certainly miss Him here.

Something’s happening at the zoo

Today is supposed to be the last of day of two weeks of great spring weather. So we decided to take the kids to the zoo. I know some people have objections to keeping animals in confinement, but I think they are such wonderful places, this one included. Without having to spend a fortune or risk your life going on safari, exploring the jungle and scuba diving every ocean, you get to taste a bit of the beauty and weirdness of nature and wildlife itself.

This zoo made the news a few years ago because a gorilla, named Bokito, jumped 4 meters over the security canal, ran into the rest area and playground and grabbed a lady. He dragged her through the restaurant and as you can imagine, caused quite a commotion. It turned out that the lady had gone to see the gorilla every day and had sort of created a bond with him. She didn’t meet Bokito’s expectations of how a female should behave (totally understandable, men are so hard to read anyway, let alone the gorilla type!), so he went after her and wounded her pretty seriously. Since then, they’ve broadened the canal and constructed a 10 meter high wall so that there’s no way that this could ever happen again.

We went to see the gorillas and waved at Bokito. There was a mother holding her one-week-old baby and stroking and kissing it and my mother’s heart just melted. In the mean time, she was picking her nose and eating it as well. The behavior must certainly be part of the 99 percent genes that I for sure have in common with her!

The zoo opened 150 years ago and it interesting to see how the landscaping and functionality has developed. From watching the animals behind bars to walking through their habitats. Not just being able to observe them but also being educated about their natural environment. And probably most important, protecting the animals instead of having them taken from their home country.

The good thing is that these positive developments are taking place in developing countries as well. Not to say that you don’t get to see the most pitiful sights. Sad and frustrated lions and jaguars in cages 3 by 4. Monkeys that people can just throw all their trash at and tease. Birds that can’t fly or walk around at all.

But in the zoos in Santo Domingo and Skopje you could sense a growing awareness of the importance of the well being of the animals. By the time we left both places, lots of construction was going on to create natural environments that were spacious and safe. For the animals, but also for the visitors. They still have a long way to go…

Just to show you the difference: The hippo in Skopje, picture taken from less than a meter’s distance,


And the hippo in Blijdorp!


An other invention!

Yesterday I explained my students that you should never put too much personal information in a formal or semi-formal email. After all, you never know who will read it. And when people are working, they are really not interested in hearing everything about your trials and tribulations anyway. Although personally I would warmly welcome a bit of a human touch to invoices, requests for information and other boring mail if I were an office clerk. That’s probably also the reason why I would be a very bad one….

Before I knew it, we were talking about how you can express anger, frustration or love in a formal way. The importance of finding ways on how to stay polite and calm while telling people effectively what’s bothering you. I truly enjoyed this civilized conversation with these 18-year olds about matters of the heart. Especially after all the outbursts of f… y… and remarks about oral sex and penis sizes in the other class the day before.

“It’s a pity you cannot perfume your emails”, said one student. And then, I thought of an other wonderful invention. Wouldn’t it be great to have some sort of machine that made it possible to send smells to each other! Something like a printer, but then with smell cartridges. Of course, a colour is only made of three components and smells of many more, but I’m sure some smart chemist would be able to develop something alike.

The conversation continued. We talked about how the perfume industry could benefit from such a gadget, that it would be a great way to advertise on the internet. And how lovely it would be to open an email from your loved one that smelled like roses…:)

But I should have known: One student farted really loud, with the remark that there should be ways to zip that in a file as well. And then they started talking about sending rotten egg smells, manure, etc, etc…

Of course, being a very strict teacher, I nipped this sudden turn in our talks in the bud, and put them straight to work on writing a formal email. I still think it is a great idea though!


WordPress offers ‘instant findability’. It means ” The instant you publish, searchers will see it at the top of the ‘most recent results’ when they search for any terms in your post”. That’s a wonderful thing of course, but definitely not what I had in mind when I read the term for the first time:

I started working at a school 4 weeks ago and got a key that fits in every door of the building. These keys are very important and you need them every time you teach. So I put it on a colourful keychain and decided that I would always keep it in the front pocket of my bag. And as a very responsable teacher, I would never, NEVER leave this very expensive key out of sight. Well, the key turned out to have an ‘instant looseability’. The last thing I remember is that after my very first day of work I put it next to the stove in the kitchen and after that it has completely disappeared.

I know that I will find the key back. In some miraculous ways the lost always show up. But in the meantime I feel really dumb every time I have to borrow a colleague’s. Why is there not some device that you can stick on your key, wallet or phone that goes off when you whistle or press a big red button somewhere at home? Or even better, when the distance between you and the item is more than let’s say, 2 meters? Although then it won’t work if you are looking for something that’s in your pocket or that you are actually holding! There must be some valid reason for this question. Or perhaps I should invent something myself.

I am hopeful that someday we will be able to increase the intrinsic value of findability in things from the real world. Make it instant and then have a 3-year warranty on it! You know, if it’s possible on the internet…

Psychedelic Green

In Warsaw you could buy real flowers that were painted puff girl pink or psychedelic green. The original was obviously not good enough.

If you don’t like complaining, better not read this. I just got back from taking the children to school. It was not the best morning ever, mildly said. And when I walked back home, I was thinking again on how I can improve the morning rituals, have them in bed earlier, not let them have too much sugar, how I can change my attitude so that there is a positive atmosphere at home, that I should get them new shoes, that I have to be clearer about how I want things to happen etc, etc. And I’m having the same thoughts on how I need to change things about my work, my marriage, my house and garden.

It seems that everything always needs improvement. And I’m sick and tired of that. Not that I don’t want to be responsible and do my best, but it never seems to be enough.

The law says, the bible says, the neighbour says, my friends do things like this, my parents always did it like that. Commercialism tells you that your life is horrible if you don’t have a flat screen tv, or that all your problems will be solved once your walls are painted purple. Fashion even manages to change your personal taste every other few months! Then there are the results of scientific research that constantly ask for change: Get dark curtains, because light pollution increases the risk of breast cancer. Don’t let the kids watch tv more than 2 hours a day or play violent games, it might turn them into little serial killers. Use olive oil instead of normal, blah, blah, blah.

I have my personal motives that tell me to be kind, do the right thing, be efficient and forgiving. Faith plays a big part in it. An inner conviction that there is only one right way to believe, do things and live your life. That you should always strive for better. Threats of darkness, judgement and isolation if you don’t. In the end, we are all awful sinners and need change. You’d better “Read your bible, pray every day, if you want to grow”.

But I need a brake from it all. I’m going to take the days as they come and not beat myself up anymore if it doesn’t go the way it’s supposed to. I am completely fed up with growing, I just want to pray and read my bible to find comfort in what God is like.

I want to enjoy and deal with things the way they originally are. And that’s it.


For some reason I always end up listening to the stories of complete strangers. This afternoon we had taken the children to an outdoor playground, where they can play with water, sticks and mud. Lots of fun and lots of dirt! I wasn’t feeling too well, so I was sitting on a bench in the sun almost dozing off. An older man, he must be in his late sixties, walked up and stood next to me, lighting a cigarette. We started talking about smoking and before I knew it, he was telling me about his life.

He had grown up in Rotterdam, was one of nine children and had a tough childhood. His father died of cancer when he was six years old and his mother didn’t show any affection at all. He had just walked over to the playground because here his father used to have a garden where they would work together. He really loved his dad. And can still cry over loosing him 60 years ago.

Rotterdam was heavily bombed during the second world war and Freek described what it was like to grow up in a place that was such a mess. It was a struggle for everybody and also for his mother. His younger sister was mentally handicapped and she couldn’t live with them any longer. Freek talked about the sorrow his mother had when she left, still grieving for her own husband as well. He really tried to cheer her up, work hard to earn some money for the family, but his mother didn’t notice. Now he understands why, but it still hurts anyway.

He became a professional boxer, since he was very good at fighting. He liked it a lot. I learned all about international tournaments and how you can give somebody an effective blow. I haven’t practiced it yet! Anyway, besides that, he sailed the sees for a few years. Then he got married and started his own home decorating business. And whatever he did, he made sure that his father would have approved of it.

We talked for a long time. About heaven and how funny it would be to meet all the people that have ever lived. Whether Neanderthals will look like monkeys for eternity. If Darwin thought out his evolution theory after having had a vision of heaven. Freek didn’t believe in anything, but he sure would have liked to experience some comfort from God or anything the like in his life.

Just a few nights ago Freek dreamt about the time his father was dying. He woke up crying. He told me how frustrating it is that the bad memories will always haunt you, no matter how hard you try to forget. Last night’s dream was also a true story: As a little boy he had his tonsils cut without aneastatics and he almost bit the surgeon’s finger off.

We talked and laughed more. He bought ice cream for the children and I got him a coffee. When we said goodbye I felt like giving him a big hug. But we Dutch don’t do that so I shook his hand. Hopefully someday we will meet again in that muddy, fun place.


I have 30 minutes to write this blog. I’m dying my hair and according to the package, I have to rinse the dye out exactly after that. Who knows if my hair will shiver away if I keep it in longer! While I was putting it in my hair, I wondered if it had been better to have it done by a professional hairdresser. Because this is definitely not without risks. You can turn blind if the stuff gets in your eyes or have a terrible allergic reaction. And of course, what if it turns out green?

But I’m scared to go to the hairdresser and I’ve always been. As a child, my mother would send us every other 6 weeks, we said the word “short” and that would be enough. But by the time I was 13 and developing some hairstyle awareness, unfortunately this was not sufficient anymore. I so much wished I was a boy, just for the simple reason that they could keep it short! I had no clue how I wanted my hair and definitely no interest either. And to be honest, I still don’t. So I just tell the hairdressers to cut it the way they think is nice and trust their professionalism to know what that is. But obviously, beauty is a subjective term.

In Warsaw I had it cut from long to short. The fashion in Poland was dying your hair in layers, start with ash blond, then let it grow out a bit, then again ash blond or scarlet red. It created a nice tiger print. She suggested that, but fortunately I wasn’t grey in those days, so I was able to escape from it.

In Angola the hairdressers were afraid of me, because my hair is so straight and they are absolutely not used to that. After three cuts, they would opt to have it braided. But I was afraid that in the tropical sun my milky-white scalp would burn. So no haircuts for me anymore. It was also a huge surprise when I visited a hair factory and discovered that most of the beautiful braids that the Angolan women had were fake!

In Macedonia, I wanted to cut my hair short again. The hairdresser played with his scissors like a cowboy with his gun and created this punk look, that was a bit shocking. I got free make up as well and was back in the 80s! When Aaron saw me that afternoon, he started crying on the spot. He still makes me promise to never have it cut again.

Bad Hair Day - 2

And in Ridderkerk city, the women have a specific style as well. It’s short and spiky on the top, long in the neck, with two striking colours. Like black in front and scarlet red behind, or white front and brown back. Perhaps you can imagine that I’m a bit hesitant to let them do whatever they think is nice!

So now I’m just doing it myself, and I’d better stop blogging this minute, or there might not be any hair left to write about!


I don’t believe in reincarnation, but I like the idea of having the option of living a completely different life. Not so much because I’m not enjoying this one. Besides that, having a bit of a naughty streak there is a chance of coming back as a fly. No, most of all because there are way too many wonderful things to do and learn to fit in one lifetime.

For example, sometimes I really wish that I were a flamenco guitar player and able to play songs like this.  My fingers itch when I’m listening to it. Or I’d love to be able to do a double summersault, kite surf or waterski.

I don’t need to change my faith, but probably focus on the fact that there still is enough time left to try a few things before I’m a hundred. And be very happy that I can play “twinkle twinkle little star” on the guitar.

I’m just going through a minor third-life crisis…


The  mole is naughty, the sun is soft and the tranquility of the evening soothing for a rushed mind. Ever since we have changed to summer time I like to do some gardening after putting the kids in bed. There’s quite a lot of work to be done: I have been pruning the bushes and trees and there are weeds galore. These plants have a secret underground network of roots and bulbs and you have to get it all out, if not, 100 percent guarantee that they will come back! So now I’m digging it all up and merciless stripping the soil, only leaving some traumatized worms behind.

This weed is pretty, it’s like little green leaves sticking out of the ground and it has beautiful yellow flowers. When it just came up I thought it would be nice to just let it grow, but by now it has almost taken over the garden and is even spreading out on the lawn. Together with the mole’s construction work, you can imagine that it’s not the prettiest sight.

Like weeds, certain things, habits and thoughts can take over your life if you don’t deal with it rigidly. Tonight in the garden I was thinking that it’s so easy to be fooled by the prettiness of something ugly. And that you need patience if it’s the good things in life that you want to see bloom and grow.

Now I’m going to  leave the other weed related thinking to the professional pastors and shrinks, say goodnight to the mole and clean my nails.