Posts Tagged ‘ noise ’


Imagine that a person from the 18th century would get in a time machine and step out in 2008. Of course, it would be a huge shock. And not only because of all the sights and smells, but perhaps especially because of all the noise! In our day and age it hardly ever is completely silent, or at least without unnatural sounds. And I’m sure that that must have some influence on our mental and physical health.

Because it takes an effort to hear. You don’t really notice that until you step from noise into complete silence, or in my case, move from Santo Domingo, the noisiest place imaginable to the edge of city Skopje, where only birds (and sometimes very annoying dogs) can be heard. Such a peace falls on you, amazing.

Anyway, I thought about this time-traveling-sound-thing when I was listening to a concert this evening. It was really beautiful, and not in the least because Aaron was singing in it! The full orchestra was playing, a tenor singing at his top voice, and a lovely children’s choir to accompany them. The noise was overwhelming. Then I imagined how much more overwhelming it must have been for the 18th century folk who were not used to so many sounds at all! That makes the composer even a greater artist and the musicians back then very influential people.

Aaron only sang for two minutes. He did not like the practicing too much, and said about the song that it was complicated because it had a lot of sss in it. But he sure liked singing tonight! And because I’m so proud of him, I’ll share this lovely noise with you!